
The Annunciation
The Annunciation

We don’t see angels any more.

Well, except for the Hollywood kind.

But those are pale, pitiful things

Talking of “peace” and “love”

Without ever mentioning

The Prince of Peace.

When they meet us at the manger

They proclaim the cute, adorable baby

In the company of the wise men

And Santa Claus

But fail to warn us He came with a sword

That would pierce even His own dear mother.


No, we don’t see angels any more

For we are realists!

We know that matter matters

And miss the truth that lies

Before, and after, and yes, behind.


No-one walks on water now

For we are all more convinced

Of the power of gravity

Than the power of God.


The poor go unfed

For we know that there is too little food

In our few small loaves

And a couple of puny fish.


And should we climb Mount Tabor

We’d see rocks and the vista

While Moses and Elijah walked off


Shaking their heads.


Oh, my dear, sweet Jesus

Put the mud in my eyes

That I may see clearly,

For I am also blinded

By this so-solid world.